We offer training and technical assistance to behavioral health service providers. Please follow the links below to explore the training opportunities that are available.


The DBHIDS Learning Hub – offers no-cost eLearning courses, webinars, and virtual classes to behavioral health professionals in Philadelphia. To create an account with the DBHIDS Learning Hub, please click here and complete the form. For new user directions and access code, click here. For assistance, email DBHIDS.LearningHub@phila.gov.


Behavioral Health Training and Education Network (BHTEN) –  offers over 200 training and education events for behavioral health professionals, persons in recovery and families.  For more information, visit our website or contact us here.


CBH Provider Training and Development – offers all Community Behavioral Health contracted providers virtual trainings through the DBHIDS Learning Hub on clinical processes and supervision and specialty topics on a monthly and quarterly basis. Additionally, recorded virtual trainings are also available on the DBHIDS Learning Hub. CBH Provider Training and Development works collaboratively with providers, through the technical assistance process, to create and implement individualized actions plans to address organizational goals. All training offerings are advertised through the CBH Provider News Blast. Please register here for the CBH Provider News Blast and to receive notification of our upcoming trainings. If you have any questions regarding training or technical assistance, contact CBH Provider Training and Development (PT&D) at cbh.ptdtechnicalassistance@phila.gov.


Mental Health First Aid– offered at no cost to all people who live and/or work in Philadelphia, MHFA teaches how to help a person who may be experiencing a mental health related crisis or problem. For more information, visit healthymindsphilly.org/MHFA.


Network for Training and Development, Inc.– offers quality training, technical assistance, and demonstration for individuals with disabilities, families, organizations, and neighborhoods. For more information, visit networksfortraining.org.


Training Director’s Collaborative– a network of Training Director’s, Managers and Coordinators from Behavioral Health Organizations in Philadelphia who develop curriculum coordinate training and professional development opportunities for behavioral health service staff. We gather to network, share expertise and explore possibilities for collaboration. If you would like to join this group, email Brienne.Jennings@phila.gov.


Evidence-based Practice and Innovation Center (EPIC)– offers education and resources to support the selection, implementation and sustainability of evidence-based practices. For more information, visit dbhids.org/epic, email epic_dbhids@phila.gov, and/or follow @phillyepic on Twitter.