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Authorization Services (BHSI)
What is the Behavioral Health Special Initiative?
The Behavioral Health Special Initiative (BHSI) is a program managed by the Office of Addiction Services. BHSI is funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to serve as a “safety net” for people without health insurance who require drug or alcohol treatment services.
Using state placement criteria, BHSI functions as an administrative, case management and funding entity, authorizing each person’s care according to clinical/medical necessity. After BHSI conducts an assessment, the individual is referred to a licensed drug and alcohol provider in the BHSI provider network.
BHSI does not have a hearing and grievance process. If a provider wants to appeal any clinical or administrative decision, that provider must send a letter to the attention to the BHSI Director and a copy to the Assistant Director.
Providers should send appeals-related correspondence to:
Jon Korczykowski
Behavioral Health Special Initiative (BHSI)
Administrative Services
801 Market Street 7th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 546-1200 fax (215) 732-2634 Intensive Case Management
123 So. Broad Street 23rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19109
(215) 546-6435 fax (215) 790-4960