Last Updated: 2 years

2016 Provider Satisfaction Survey is Available

November 9, 2017

Each year, as part of the Performance Evaluation Performance Summary required by the State, CBH produces a Provider Satisfaction Survey (PSS) for its network of providers. The PSS is open from the end of November until the beginning of January each year. The survey is available on Survey Monkey and can be completed by any employee that works for a provider in our network. Each year we review overall results in the CBH Quality Council and present a summary of our findings at the Executive Directors Meeting. Survey results are also reviewed with individual CBH departments to analyze results, identify trends, and create action items to address areas of concern. The action items identified from the 2016 survey have been included in the Provider Satisfaction Survey Summary document.

Included are a few general facts about the PSS:

  • Total Number of Questions: 48
  • Average time to complete survey: 20 minutes
  • Format of survey: General questions first, followed by department specific questions
  • Order of Survey: General questions, Member Services, Provider Relations, Clinical, Claims, Quality, Compliance, NIAC, PEAR/ Pay for Performance
  • Responses can be anonymous, but we encourage providers to self-identify so that we may follow up with providers with specific concerns.

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