Community Resource Guide
DBHIDS has updated its Community Resource Guide to provide members with information that will connect them to basic needs such as housing, food, employment, transportation, and technology. Our goal is to distribute this resource to all members accessing services throughout our system with the intent of ensuring people have information that can help them as needed. We are requesting that this resource guide be shared with members while they are receiving services and/or when a person is discharged from services. We see this guide as another step toward a whole person approach to care and sustained recovery.
Resource Guide in English | Resource Guide in Spanish
- 988 Launch Information
- Accessing Treatment + MAT Provider List
- Ask for it by Name: Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
- Ask for it by Name: Bounce Back (BB)
- Ask for it by Name: Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS)
- Ask for it by Name: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Gun Violence
- Ask for it by Name: Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
- Behavioral Health Screening One Pager (English) (Russian) (Spanish)
- Community Behavioral Health (CBH) Bylaws
- CBH Applied Behavioral Analysis and Autism Spectrum Disorder One-Pager
- CBH Provider Directory
- CBH Providers Guide
- CBH Member Handbook
(English) (Spanish) (Cambodian) (Vietnamese) (Russian) (Lao) - CBH Network Development Technical Assistance
- DBHIDS Good Neighbor Residential Services Policy
- DBHIDS Highlights and Impact
- DBHIDS Initiatives and Opportunities Outline
- DBHIDS Resource Card (English & Spanish)
- DBHIDS Resource Guide One-Pager
- DBHIDS Trauma Overview
- Engaging Males of Color Initiative One-Pager
- Evidence-based Practices and Innovation Center (EPIC) Brochure
- Fact Sheet: Advancing the Substance Use Disorder Treatment Continuum
- Fact Sheet: Behavioral Health Crisis Response Continuum
- Fact Sheet: Behavioral Health Crisis Expansion
- Fact Sheet: Children’s Behavioral Health Continuum
- Fact Sheet: Community Mobile Crisis Response Team (CMCRT) Overview
- Fact Sheet: DBHIDS Structure and Oversight
- Fact Sheet: Effective Treatments for Opioid Use Disorder (MAT One-Pager)
- Fact Sheet: Homeless Outreach
- Fact Sheet: The Population Health Approach
- Faith and Spiritual Affairs One-Pager
- Health Education Acronym List (coming soon)
- Healthy Minds Philly One-Pager (English) (Russian) (Spanish)
- HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices
- Mental Health First Aid One Pager (English) (Russian) (Spanish)
- Network of Neighbors Responding to Violence
- Network Development Technical Assistance Brochure (English) (Spanish)
- Office of Mental Health Community Service Program Brochure
- Office of Supportive Housing Be Street Smart Flyer
- Opioid Prescribing Guidelines
- Peer Culture and Community Inclusion (PCCI) Unit Brochure
- PCCI Unit Peer Culture Report
- Peer-Support Toolkit
- Population Health Overview
- Porch Light Program One Pager
- Porch Light Program Manual
- Porch Light Program Yale Study Evaluation
- Practice Guidelines
- Standing on Sacred Ground: Advancing the Integration of Spirituality and Behavioral Health
- Supplemental Security Income and/or Social Security Disability Insurance benefits FAQ
- Support Team for Educational Partnership (STEP) Infographic
- Veterans Initiatives Unit Brochure
- Video: Dr. Evans and Dr. Aaron Beck Discuss Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Youth Provider One-Page List of Resources
- Oct. 6, 2021, Meeting — Notes | Chat | BH Crisis Fact Sheet | Language Access Procedure | Language Access Course
- June 2, 2021, Meeting — Notes | Chat
- April 7, 2021, Meeting — Notes
- Feb. 3, 2021, Meeting — Notes | Learning Hub New User Guide | Learning Hub Trainings
- Dec, 2, 2020, Meeting — Notes
- Oct. 7, 2020, Meeting — Notes | Questions | Bridgeway Information Sheet
- June 3, 2020, Meeting — Minutes | Chat Line | Participant Referral Process to COVID 19 Prevention Space | Police Killings and Mental Health
- Feb. 5, 2020, Meeting
- Dec. 4, 2019, Meeting
- Oct. 2, 2019, Meeting — NAMI
- April 5, 2017, Meeting
- PsychuU Virtual Forum: Role of Social Determinants and Population Health Management (Nov. 17, 2016)
- Tackling Tobacco in Addiction Treatment Settings (Sept. 20, 2016)
- Buprenorphine Summit (Sept. 20, 2016)
- Population Health Presentation by Dr. Kamilah Jackson (April 4, 2017)
- Population Health Presentation by Daniel J. Paolini (Jan. 31, 2017)
- Population Health Presentation by Dr. Rose Julius (Aug. 10, 2016)
- Population Health Presentation by Dr. Geoffrey Neimark (July 27, 2016)
- Population Health Presentation by Roland Lamb (July 13, 2016)
- Population Health Presentation by Dr. Lawrence Real (June 29, 2016)
- Population Health Presentation by Dr. Ray Fabius (June 16, 2016)
- Population Health Presentation (May 2016 All-Staff Meeting)
- Annual Youth Non-Profit Symposium (February 2016)
- P4P Overview and Results Presentation (February 2016)
Last modified: Aug 26, 2024 @ 10:59 am