Enhanced Clinical Practicum (ECP) Hybrid Training Social and Developmental Impact of Code Switching

CBH 801 Market St., Philadelphia, PA

The Enhanced Clinical program will host a professional development opportunity for ECP participants, providers, and DBHIDS staff. Attendees will have the opportunity to earn CEU credits. During this workshop, participants will learn about the various forms of code-switching, reasons for it and its effect on a person's self and cultural identity. This is a hybrid […]

Community Mental Health Panel Discussion

Join us for the final workshop in a four-part series on implementation readiness and sustainability of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in community mental health. This session focuses on the practical realities of implementing EBPs within the Philadelphia behavioral health network, and will feature a panel discussion with representatives from various programs who exemplify successful EBP implementation. […]

Information Session on Complaints and Grievances

Annually, the DBHIDS Division of Community Behavioral Health conducts a Provider Satisfaction Survey to gauge performance and obtain provider feedback. The results of the provider satisfaction survey help CBH identify key opportunities for improving the experience of providers. Based on the feedback received from our providers we are going to be holding several information sessions […]

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