Community Wellness Engagement Unit

Promoting Wellness for all Communities

In 2019, DBHIDS launched the Community Wellness Engagement Unit, a multilingual engagement team designed to provide greater access to behavioral health and wellness-related resources and support for all communities within its scope.

CWEU works in some of Philadelphia’s most challenged neighborhoods to meet the people most in need and make sure they get access to the services the City has available to them.

Critical in the work of CWEU is to ensure that community-identified priorities inform their day-to-day activities. CWEU consistently shares community-identified priorities, needs, and trends with Department leadership.

Some of the ways CWEU engages community include:

  • providing resource tables at community events;
  • engaging in on-foot outreach in high priority neighborhoods;
  • attending civic association, business association, and neighborhood meetings;
  • building partnerships between community residents, behavioral health providers, and community organizations;
  • and providing presentations on DBHIDS services and wellness practices.

CWEU operates in the community and makes use of teams of certified peers and behavioral health specialists to assess individuals, link them to the appropriate services, and coordinate with agencies and community stakeholders to address any barriers to treatment and wellness.

If you have any questions, please email

CWEU at a glance (palm card PDF)

Last modified: Aug 27, 2024 @ 9:13 am