NAIC: The Process

I. Prep Meeting
  • Prior to the site review information is provided by various DBHIDS units in order to gain a comprehensive overview of the agency.
  • Prior to the site review the agency is required to submit the following information to the NIAC Unit:
    • The Network Inclusion Criteria Agency Self-Appraisal
    • A full staff roster for each program
    • Agency organizational chart
    • Board of Directors composition list
    • Current licenses for all clinical staff members (Psychiatrists, Psychologists, BSC, etc.)
    • Board Certification status for child/adult psychiatrists
    • Current Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) certificates for all prescribing practitioners
    • Facility License(s)
    • Accreditations, if any
    • Program descriptions
    • Any memos of understanding (MOUs) with external organizations Prior to the site review the agency is required to submit the following information to the NIAC unit:
    • Submit incident reporting rates on all the following high-risk behaviors including:
      • Suicidal/homicidal attempts
      • Physical/mechanical/chemical restraints
      • Elopements
      • Naloxone administration
      • Bio-medical/physical health concerns requiring urgent care, etc.
      • A blank template of all Assessment Forms utilized within the agency
    • Written policies on the following:
      • Clinical Supervision; Performance Evaluation; Collection of Feedback from Program Participants, Families, Allies and Program Alumni; Measuring the Effectiveness of Services; the Role and Impact of Peer Support; the Completion of High Risk Behavioral Assessments;; Prescribing of Benzodiazepines; Use of Antipsychotic Medication in Children and Youth; Use of Psychotropic Medications in Children and Adolescents (FDA approved & off label); Screening for and Treatment of the Components of Metabolic Syndrome; the Full Range of Treatment Services Provided by Methadone Treatment Centers; Preventative and Diagnostic Healthcare; On-site Maintenance, Administration and Prescription of Naloxone; Tobacco Free; Confidentiality, Sexual Harassment; Review of Interim Services; Priority Populations; Single County Authority (SCA) Procedures; Family Inclusion


II. Site Visit
III. Debriefing
  • Units across DBHIDS are informed of the findings
  • Referrals for Technical Assistance are made as necessary
IV. Report generation
  • The components of NIAC reports are derived from several site review activities: the Self-Appraisal, living reviews, clinical chart reviews, facility tours, discussions with staff members, discussions with individuals receiving services, staff file reviews, an interview with an executive level staff member, review of written policies and general observations.
  • Each report requires the agency to submit a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP).
V. Presentation to the CBH Board of Directors (if funded by CBH)
  • For review and determination of final re-credentialing status as well as the NIAC Credentialing Committee (if funded by other funding streams) for review.